Friday, October 19, 2012

Brief Screening Report

"Call It"- No Country for Old Men Courtesy:Youtube 

            I choose to watch the film, No Country for Old Men. This movie was really an action packed thriller that had a lot of strange surprised. The film was directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, which do an excellent job making it seem like you are right there in the drama yourself. The film is based around the main character, Llewelyn Moss incidentally comes across a Texas dope deal gone horribly wrong, where he finds a briefcase with two million dollars in cash in it and decides to protect it with his life. This is when Llewelyn begins an everlasting chase with a crazy psychopathic killer. This movie isn’t just your typical crime plot, there is a couple times when I was found myself in utter shock from what happened in the movie.

            The scene I found to be the most important to me in No Country for Old Men, was the scene called “Call It.” I found this scene to set the stage for the rest of the movie. It was in the beginning of the movie (Chapter 4) and gave the audience a perspective of what to expect for the rest of the movie. The scene, “call it” told the audience exactly what they were in for, showing just how psychopathic this guy with the oxygen tank actually was, known as Anton Chigurh. It shows here that he is not a normal man, but has the intention to kill anyone and everyone that may get in his way. In this scene in chapter four it shows just how strange of a guy Anton is. Anton walks in a gas station to pay for his gas and when he begins to chat it up with the attendant and asking him things like where he sleeps, when he goes to bed, and creeping into his personal life. Anton’s true personality is revealed here when the man asks him why he is asking him these questions and all he responds with is heads or tails? This is where I first got the impression that this guy is a wacko and the killer. He continues to mental interrogate the man with his heads or tails question until the man finally gives him his answer, saving him from death right there on the spot. Then Anton simply walks out of the gas station, not too pleased that he just lost this match. From this scene I believe we as the audience find out just how disruptive and corruptive Chigurh’s personality truly is. This sets the scene for what happens later on in the film, this was just simply the beginning. 


  1. I have never seen this movie, However after reading your report, I am interested in it. Your description does a great job of telling what is going on in the movie, without giving anything away.

  2. I have never seen this movie personally, but I have heard good things about it and based on your evaluation it sounds even better. If I ever get the chance to watch I will be very excited because it sounds interesting after reading your evaluation.
